Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine War

To the Americans and NATO Allies that are Supporting Ukraine Right Now

I want to say thank you. Ukraine would not be alive without you.

Many more people would be dead physically and spiritually.

Not fighting a war is not an option for Ukraine right now.

It is the equivalent of suicide.

Some of you don’t follow the news, and you have a right not to.

For others, it’s not an option.

It’s a privilege to not follow the news, but let me offer a brief summary.

Ukraine has been fighting with hand me down weapons, weapons the US and NATO have in surplus or are simply outdated.

When they receive newer weapons, Ukrainians are learning to operate them while fighting a war.

If this was happening to US troops, there would be an uproar. Yet the Ukrainians are thankful. Thankful that every air defense rocket they launch, however outdated, saves lives. They know that missiles that escape their rudimentary air defense are heading toward a civilian target.

Imagine that pressure- missing the whizz that goes by.

When Russians can’t beat the Ukrainian army, they attack civilian targets, just as they did in Syria.

The Russians are brutal, ruthless, and downright despicable right now.

Sometimes life isn’t fair, not in our personal lives and not on the macro scale. I was horrified about the invasion. Few expected Ukraine to win. I was a shell of a person.

But despite these obstacles, the Ukrainian army is holding on and even gaining ground.

The Ukrainians didn’t know who they were as a country.

They do now. Nothing unifies a country more than a common adversary.

Before this war, some people didn’t know where Ukraine was on a map.

Thank you to the United States, NATO, and the European Union for stepping up and supporting what is right.

There’s a time for peace, and there’s at time to defend human rights and freedom, without which there is no life.

Russia, in its current state, possesses neither human rights nor freedom.

Let’s be clear about the character of the adversary. Let’s be truly clear about the heart of the enemy, because it is ugly.

I am Russian, and I fondly remember my time there. The people were wonderful.

The government, in its current state, is not.

Only a country’s own people should decide the direction of their government. If Russians want to live in that cesspool, if this is what they find acceptable, then they should live there. They should all live there.

But Russia has no right to impose their will on a sovereign country. Not in the 21st century.

The only thing standing in the way of Russian troops on the Iberian Peninsula is NATO and the United States of America.

Russian media has held discussions about what capitals in Europe would best be suited for a nuclear attack, because in their minds, if Russia lost the war, they would lose their country.

The media and some irresponsible political leaders have also called on Putin to order a nuclear strike on targets in Ukraine.

The wind blows east, my friend, and what usable territory will you have if you radiate it?

Against a nuclear strike, Ukraine is not able to defend itself.

This is a desperate act from an adversary that can’t win on the battlefield.

Russia is dangerous, and an ample majority of its people who support the government have a warped view of reality. They support Russian imperialism and empire in the 21st century. That makes the war for Ukraine crucial if you don’t want a rogue country knocking on Europe’s door, or most likely, forcing themselves in your door.

I hope everyone wakes up to that, if they haven’t already.

Ukraine improvises with aging air defenses to counter Russian missiles (

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