
Anyone but a Politician

One of the reasons I started this site is to comment on politics.  Americans hate it, but really it’s all around us.  It’s at work, it’s at home, it’s the pothole that jerks your tire every day and you wonder how anyone else can not notice it.  Is there not at least one person who works for the government that…

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For the Love of Country…

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.” “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.” Taken from the New York Times…

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The Tack in my Side that is Email\

The Tack in my Side that is Email

Every day I open my email hoping to find something, or maybe something, or someone rather, finding me.  No, not the Rolex watches or pills for penile enhancement.  No, I’m thinking more of someone finding me (even though I make it hard for someone to find me in the blogosphere), or someone personally inviting me somewhere, not an invitation from meetup…

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Thoughts on the Super Bowl

Why were the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl?  It was discovered on the day of the AFC championship game that their balls were deflated.  Why weren’t they disqualified?  It would have given the Colts two weeks to prepare, just like the other team.  Does it matter who did it?  It benefitted the team in a dishonest way, so the whole…

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A Commentary on Being Mortal

Yesterday evening I saw a documentary on Frontline called Being Mortal, which is based on a book written by Dr. Atul Gawande exploring the medical profession’s unease in dealing with dying patients. As I watched the documentary, I noticed that the people that they videotaped in their homes seemed well off financially. Their homes, at least, looked nice. The wife…

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2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 350 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the complete report.


I Know Why I Write

It came to me at about 2 am today, that writing is like flowers.  There are obviously different kinds, as there are different writers, but what struck me is that writing doesn’t have to be perfect, just like a flower doesn’t have to be perfect, but still adds to the beauty of the whole.  I’m reminded of the annual Tulip…

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Confessions Of a Social Klutz

I am a social klutz.  I look normal, but when I open my mouth, my awkwardness is evident.  If I were mentally disabled, people would be forced to have sympathy for me through cultural norms and standards of behavior.  But when you look normal and are a bit awkward, you are just not cool to be around.  The former is…

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Chinese Christmas

This past weekend I put away our Christmas tree and decorations. We’ve had the same tree for the past 5 years- a Monroe artificial Christmas tree, with embedded white lights. The price, $39.99, is still boldly displayed in white on the box. My husband, then boyfriend, surprised me by buying and setting up the tree one day before I came…

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My first post- an introduction

Hi there, I am a recent blogger. Very recent. I just created this blog page yesterday. I’m not on facebook or twitter, and I don’t have a smartphone. I am not a techie. I’ve written on the side and I’ve resisted for a long time starting a blog because I just didn’t understand who would have the time to read…

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